
#ILEETALive with Fletch Fuller

Join Brian Hill, Todd Fletcher, and Joe Willis with Halcyon Frank, Director of Training and Development at the Denise Amber Lee Foundation.

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#ILEETALive with Cody Mann

Join Brian Hill, Todd Fletcher, and Joe Willis with Halcyon Frank, Director of Training and Development at the Denise Amber Lee Foundation.

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Scenario Based Insights | Duane Wolfe

Scenario Based Insights from Duane Wolfe This insight from ILEETA Member, Duane Wolfe delves into the essence of reality-based training (RBT) for law enforcement, highlighting the critical need for instructors to adapt their methods to the dynamic nature of real-world scenarios. Emphasizing the diversity in officer responses and the pitfalls of rigid training approaches, Wolfe advocates for a shift towards fostering sound judgment and tactical flexibility. He draws on his personal experiences, industry from other members, and comments of social media users to underscore the importance of continuous learning and humility in refining how we conduct scenario based training. This is a poignant reminder for trainers to prioritize realism, adaptability, and ongoing self-improvement in preparing officers for the challenges they may encounter. Click here to download:  Scenario Based Insights – Duane Wolfe

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#ILEETALive with Halcyon Frank

Join Brian Hill, Todd Fletcher, and Joe Willis with Halcyon Frank, Director of Training and Development at the Denise Amber Lee Foundation.

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#ILEETALive with Jim Glennon

In this episode of #ILEETALive, Brian Hill, Joe Willis, and Alexandra Nelson interviewed ILEETA Member, Jim Glennon.

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#ILEETALive with Von Kliem

Join Duane Wolfe, Jason Der and Brian Hill for our first #ILEETALive of 2024. Von Kliem will be our special guest.

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#ILEETALive with Angeleic Huth

Join Todd Fletcher, Joe Willis and Brian Hill for our last #ILEETALive of 2024.

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#ILEETALive with Tim Barfield

Join Brian Hill, Todd Fletcher, and Joe Willis with Halcyon Frank, Director of Training and Development at the Denise Amber Lee Foundation.

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#ILEETALive with Ron Scheidt

Join Brian Hill, Todd Fletcher, and Joe Willis with Halcyon Frank, Director of Training and Development at the Denise Amber Lee Foundation.

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#ILEETALive with Harvey Hedden and Ray Merlin

Join Brian Hill, Todd Fletcher, and Joe Willis with Halcyon Frank, Director of Training and Development at the Denise Amber Lee Foundation.

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Web Site Overhaul

ILEETA is updating our web site but we anticipate no disruption of online service. If you are experiencing a problem, please contact us…

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We Need to See You

We are seeking digital photos of training for the ILEETA web site and publications so please send your contributions to the above email and…

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