Conference FAQ

Conference & Expo Frequently Asked Questions

This page contains answers to our most frequently asked questions. Please review it to see if your questions are answered here. If not, feel free to contact us—we’d love to hear from you!

FAQ - General Information

Where and when will the next ILEETA Conference and Expo be held?

The next ILEETA conference will be held March 24-29, 2025 at the St. Louis Union   Station Hotel. click here for more information.

What is included at the conference fee?

The conference will include more than 120 course offerings over six days including dozens of certification and live fire courses. Attendees receive some great conference gear and free coffee and hospitality throughout the week.  (No meals are included). The ILEETA Expo offers conference attendees the opportunity to network with peers and keep up to date with the latest in training and technology. For more information, click here.

What Types of Courses Are Offered at the ILEETA Conference?

The ILEETA Conference offers a wide range of courses designed for law enforcement educators and trainers. Topics include Active Shooter, Defensive Tactics, Firearms Training, Health and Wellness, Instructor Development, Leadership, and Use of Force.

Do I have to sign up for individual classes at the conference?

Most classes are first come first served and do not require advance reservation. The exceptions are certification and live fire courses which have a limited number of attendees.  Registration for these courses can be found at the conference site map page.

How can I reserve a slot in a certification or live fire course at the conference?

Information on signing up for certification courses including course descriptions, and for the live fire firearms training courses can be found at the conference site map page. Certification course may require an additional fee to cover materials and certification costs, see certification course descriptions to determine if the class requires such fees.

When, where and what is the ILEETA Expo?

The ILEETA Expo will begin March 25, 2025 at the St. Louis Union Station Hotel in St. Louis, MO and end on March 26, 2025. More than 120 providers of law enforcement technology, equipment and training will be in attendance. Admission is open to all ILEETA members and sworn law enforcement / active duty / reserve military personnel.

Expo Hours: 

  • Tuesday: 0800-1700
  • Wednesday: 0800-1200

How can I get financial assistance to attend the ILEETA Conference?

ILEETA offers members financial scholarships to public agency employees based on need. Click here to learn more.

How Do I Apply to Present at the Conference?

Proposals are closed for #ILEETA2025. Proposals for #ILEETA2026 will be accepted from 6/1/2025 though 10/31/25.

FAQ - Current Member Registration

Is Current Member Registration the right one for me?

If you are an active member and your membership is up to date, this is definitely the right one for you! If your membership has recently expired, you might also find it easier to renew your membership and then register through this option.

If you are not a member or haven’t recently been a member, this option is not the one for you. Choose option B or C.

Can I mail or email my conference registration form?

Yes. This option is available for current members only at this time. All other must register online. Click here for instructions.

I have forgotten my password or am unable to login, what do I do?

Look for “Forgot Password” on the ILEETA Login Page ( and follow the instructions to reset your password. If you are still having difficulties please contact us.

FAQ - Streamlined Membership & Registration

What Does "Streamlined Membership & Registration" Mean?

“Streamlined Membership & Registration” is for individuals who are not current ILEETA members but wish to join while registering for the conference. This option combines the membership application with their conference registration, simplifying the process and ensuring faster processing. Participants will still need to upload the same documents and information required for a standard membership application. All conference attendees are vetted as law enforcement trainers, ensuring eligibility for membership. This approach helps make the conference accessible to all trainers while providing immediate access to membership benefits.

For more details, visit our Conference Registration page.

Is Streamlined Membership & Registration the right one for me?

The Streamlined Membership & Registration option is ideal if you are not currently an ILEETA member but wish to join and attend the conference. This registration type combines membership and conference registration, making the process more efficient and providing immediate access to exclusive ILEETA resources and networking opportunities. Choose option B if you want to become part of the ILEETA community while attending the conference.

If you are already a member, this option is not the one for you – log in and choose option A.

Can I mail or email my conference registration form?

No. This option is available for current members only at this time. All other must register online.

FAQ - Agency-Sponsored (Non-Member)

What does "Agency-Sponsored (Non-Member)" mean?

“Agency-Sponsored (Non-Member)” registration is for employees whose agencies cannot pay for or reimburse professional association dues due to federal and state statutes. This option allows employees to attend the ILEETA Conference without granting membership. However, since all conference attendees are vetted as law enforcement trainers, it ensures they would be eligible for membership. This allows ILEETA to make the conference accessible to all law enforcement trainers, regardless of statutory constraints.

Is Agency-Sponsored (Non-Member) the right one for me?

The Agency-Sponsored (Non-Member) registration is suitable if your organization cannot fund individual ILEETA memberships but wants to send employees to the conference. This $540 registration type covers administrative fees, simplifies the application process, and ensures attendees meet membership eligibility requirements. Choose this option C if your agency supports your attendance but cannot cover a full membership.

If you are already a member, this option is not the one for you – log in and choose option A.

Will ILEETA Convert "Agency-Sponsored (Non-Member)" Registrations into Standard Memberships?

No, individuals who attend the conference under the “Agency-Sponsored (Non-Member)” registration type will not be automatically converted to standard members. However, ILEETA may run membership drives with special pricing to make a 1-year membership more affordable for those who registered under this type. It’s important to note that ILEETA membership is an individual benefit, and any opportunity to apply for membership at a reduced rate is independent of the registration type. This special pricing may also be extended to lapsed members to encourage renewal.

Can I mail or email my conference registration form?

No. This option is available for current members only at this time. All other must register online.

FAQ - Conference Instructor

How can I apply to be an instructor at the ILEETA Conference?

You must be an ILEETA member to present at the ILEETA conference. Deadline for instructor proposals is 10/31/2024.

I would like to be a keynote speaker, how can I apply?

Based on feedback from our attendees, the ILEETA Conference does not feature keynote speakers. Instead, we select courses from proposals submitted by our members. If you’re interested in presenting, please consider submitting a course proposal. Your contribution can provide valuable knowledge and skills to fellow law enforcement educators and trainers.

Do instructors pay tuition?

No, instructors selected to present at the ILEETA Conference do not pay tuition. Selected instructors receive complimentary conference tuition as a token of appreciation for their contributions. However, there is no additional compensation for instructors. Conference instructors must also have a current ILEETA membership.

FAQ - Exhibitors and Event Sponsors

How can I reserve a Booth at the ILEETA Expo?

Contact ILEETA Executive Director Ray Merlin for additional information at 262-914-2902 or email